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Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mediation or Dispute Resolution can allow you to take better control of your difficult situation. When we have a problem and realize that we cannot come to an amicable solution, solely with the other party; that is where mediation can  bridge the gap. 


Whether your complaint has been filed with the court or not, Hart Mediation & Consultancy can help you & the other party, come to a resolution. The most important thing to remember, is your mediator is a Neutral. Whether your session results in a settlement agreement or not, is entirely up to the parties involved, not the mediator.



Do you need a mediator for your Florida County or circuit civil Court case?


Hart Mediation & Consultancy offers  mediation services in Florida for your Circuit Civil or COunty court case; either online, telephonically or in-person. Mr. Hart can serve as a mediator for any County or Civil case in Florida.


Thee are just a few of the areas we can assist you:


  • Construction

  • contracts

  • environmental

  • financial

  • HOA

  • landlord / tenant / evictions

  • maritime

  • personal property

  • personal injury

  • Real Estate

  • special education 

  • travel & tourism

  • workers comp

  • And many more..


you can call, email or click the button below, to book you mediation. If you have any questions before booking your mediation, please choose Mr. Hart's free Discovery Call option.


These private and confidential services can be utilized by businesses, governments, non-profits, or any group of individuals that need dispute resolution assistance, outside of court.  Either online, over the phone or in-person. 


All of the areas of service listed above under court mediations, can be mediated privately as well, before things escalate to litigation.


Does your business's HR Department need a neutral third party to handle delicate workforce relations issues or mediations due to contract breakdowns? Hart Mediation & Consultancy is here to help.


Mr. Hart can travel domestically or internationally, to assist in your dispute.


Click the button below to book your Private Mediation, or to book a free Discovery Call, to make sure Mr. Hart's services, suit your needs.





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